
Jazeman Jaafar (MAS) 768

James Grunwell (THA) 661

Kyle Mitchell (RSA) 603.5

Ross Jamison (HKG) 597.5

Do U know tht our neighbour, Indon have stewards strip Jazeman of victory..
thier racer which is in the second place have been declare as d winner of d race by d organiser..
they said that we have got d problem with specification of the BMW engine.... how can this happen,..??

just read this....

We do not understand how the stewards penalised us for breaching racing regulations by tampering with the engine. In the first place, the engine seal is still intact. On top of that, all the cars are supplied by BMW and with the same specifications.

“It's a surprise that they said our engine specs are not in order,” said Firhat.

Meritus Racing team principal Peter Thompson said they will know about the outcome of the appeal when the series moves to Chengdu, China, from Sept 15-16.

for my it not about the is about pride..
common is unfair....we need to Ganyang Indonesia...hehehehe



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alor star, kedah, Malaysia
Hisham Halim a.k.a pkk hisham, merupakan salah seorang final year military student, bujang men, part time triathlate @ ironman. Sentiasa Happy Go Lucky. Berpegang teguh kepada prinsip "kita buat dia".


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